Driver Information

Intel Thunderbolt Driver

Date: 12/16/2019 Version: 1.41.789.0
WHQL Driver: Yes Provider: Intel(R) Corporation

Operating Systems:

Windows 10 x64

Detailed Description
Not available

Supported Devices
Intel Controller - 15DC
Intel Controller - 15DD
Intel Controller - 15DE
Thunderbolt Controller - 1137
Thunderbolt Controller - 1575
Thunderbolt Controller - 1577
Thunderbolt Controller - 15BF
Thunderbolt Controller - 15D2
Thunderbolt Controller - 15D9
Thunderbolt Controller - 15E8
Thunderbolt Controller - 15EB
Thunderbolt Controller - 463E
Thunderbolt Controller - 464E
Thunderbolt Controller - 465E
Thunderbolt Controller - 466D
Thunderbolt Controller - 467D
Thunderbolt Controller - 468D
Thunderbolt Controller - 8A0D
Thunderbolt Controller - 8A17
Thunderbolt Controller - 8AA0
Thunderbolt Controller - 8AA3
Thunderbolt Controller - 8AB0
Thunderbolt Controller - 8AB3


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