Driver Information

Intel Camera Sensor OV5693 Driver

Date: 08/24/2016 Version: 30.14393.9599.2852
WHQL Driver: Yes Provider: Intel Corporation

Operating Systems:

Windows 10 x64

Detailed Description
Intel Camera Sensor OV5693 Driver 30.14393.9599.2852 for Windows 10 64-bit

The driver package provides the installation files for Intel Camera Sensor OV5693 Driver 30.14393.9599.2852 for Windows 10 64-bit system.

If you consider updating this driver package by Driver Genius, all you need to do is clicking the Update button beside this driver update. Driver Genius will install the driver automatically, smoothly and silently.

Moreover, constantly scan driver updates by Driver Genius or enable the Scheduled Scan function in Options- Schedule to make sure that will not miss a new release.

About webcam driver:

Enabling your web camera by installing appropriate driver will allow your system to capture and send images through a computer network, and include support for various features that the webcam benefits from.

In addition to that, updating the driver on your device can fix various problems that might be encountered during the product lifetime, and improve existing features like image quality, or add support for new ones.

Supported Devices
Camera Sensor OV5693


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