Driver Information

Intel Wireless Bluetooth Driver

Date: 08/10/2015 Version: 18.1.1533.1836
WHQL Driver: Yes Provider: Intel Corporation

Operating Systems:

Windows 8.1 x64

Detailed Description
Intel Proset/Wireless Bluetooth device driver version 18.1.1533.1836 for Win8.1-64 released on 10th Oct 2015.

There are 3 kinds of Intel PROSet/Wireless software, Intel PROSet/Wireless WiFi, Intel PROSet/Wireless WiMaX and Intel PROSet/Wireless Bluetooth. They are the driver for WiFi,WiMAX and Bluetooth. This is the driver for Intel Proset/Wireless Bluetooth device. It can only support for Win8.1-64 system.

Supported NUC devices:


Supported Devices
Intel Wireless Bluetooth


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